Competition and Tariff Commission
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to encourage and promote competition in all sectors of the economy
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to reduce barriers to entry into any sector of the economy or to any form of economic activity
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to investigate, discourage and prevent restrictive practices;
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to study trends towards increased economic concentration, with a view to the investigation of monopoly situations and the prevention of such situations, where they are contrary to the public interest;
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to advise the Minister of Industry and Commerce in regard to all aspects of economic competition, including entrepreneurial activities carried on by institutions directly or indirectly controlled by the State, and the formulation, co-ordination, implementation and administration of Government policy in regard to economic competition
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to provide information to interested persons on current policy with regard to restrictive practices, acquisitions and monopoly situations, to serve as guidelines for the benefit of those persons
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to undertake investigations and make reports to the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Enterprise Development relating to tariff charges, unfair trade practices and the provision of assistance or protection to local industry
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CTC Functions
CTC Functions
to monitor prices, costs and profits in any industry or business that the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Enterprise Development directs the Commission to monitor, and to report its findings to the Minister
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About Us


The Competition and Tariff Commission (Commission) is a statutory body established under the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28]. The present Commission is a product of the merger in 2001 of the former Industry and Trade Competition Commission (ITCC) and Tariff Commission (TC). .

The ITCC had been established under the Competition Act, 1996 (No.7 of 1996) as a competition regulatory authority, while the TC had been established under the Tariff Commission Act [ Chapter 14:29] as a trade tariffs advisory authority.

Below are CTC Core Values:
  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Innovation
  • Timeliness
  • Teamwork

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Our Mandate


To promote and maintain competition and fair trade in all sectors of the economy of Zimbabwe


A Zimbabwe with Fair Markets, Vibrant Industry and Enhanced Consumer Welfare by 2030
Our Divisions

Our Divisions

Restrictive Practices
Restrictive practices as defined in terms of section 2(1) of the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28] include anti-competitive agreements, and other concerted action, and unilateral conduct of an abusive nature.
The Commission’s trade tariffs operations primarily involve provision of assistance or protection to local industry.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions are assessed using the rule-of-reason approach, the substantive examination test in terms of section 32(4) of the Act being substantial lessening of competition, or creation of a monopoly situation contrary to public interest, in any part of Zimbabwe.
Legal & Corporate Servives
The Legal & Corporate Services Division provides internal legal services to the Board of Commissioners and the Directorate.
Finance & Administration
This department provides a financial and administrative service to the Commission’s other operational Divisions, which are essential for the effective undertaking of the Commission’s operations.
Research and Public Relations
The Unit is responsible for providing research services to all Operational Divisions and maintaining the Commission’s Database
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